The Visions


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Ebola / Hemorrhagic Fever: The beginning of the end

There is a lot of talk in the news about near epidemic spread of Ebola that is starting to find it's way into the US.  A fantastic article describing this modern day plague is covered perfectly by Dr. Michael Savage: see link

Quoting from this above article is a description of Ebola:
"While each of these diseases is different, they are all hemorrhagic fevers, with some common symptoms including flushing of the face and chest; small red and purple spots; bleeding; swelling caused by edema; low-blood pressure; and shock. In some cases symptoms are more dramatic than in others."

 A clinical description of Ebola from - ""
"The early symptoms of Ebola are flu-like—a runny nose, chills. But then the virus begins to cause white blood cells to rupture and prevent blood from clotting. In the final stage of the disease, patients’ eyes turn red and their genitals swell. They likely have purpura, subcutaneous hemorrhaging, and appear bruised all over; sufferers can bleed from all orifices"

It is very interesting to compare this description to some of the visions posted on this blog. I believe we are seeing the beginning of this first "plague" now. 

                    Sarah Menet describes the first of these horrific diseases very similarly.
(Sarah Menet)
“The next thing I saw was people being sick and dying. I saw this particularly in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease started by having white blisters, some the size of dimes appear on their hands, arms and face. This quickly developed into white puffy sores and blisters."

"I also saw other people with blood coming from their nose, mouth, eyes and ears."

“There were also diseases so terrible like the Ebola Virus. I saw people bleeding from the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and from every orifice of the body and dying very quickly.”

“When a person contracted the plague, they got many small pox marks on their skin, similar to pimples.  These grew in size and quantity until nearly their whole body was covered by them"
          [John Pontius, Visions and Glory, pg 132]

(Charles D Evans)
“Again the light shone revealing an atmosphere tinged with a leaden hue, which was the precursor of an unparalleled plague, whose first symptoms were recognized by a purple spot which appeared on the cheek or on the back of the hand, and which invariably enlarged until it spread over the entire surface of the body, producing certain death"

It certainly does look like we are seeing the beginning of the plagues mentioned in the visions and in the scriptures.  If this is it, then Sarah Menet said, then it will begin to spread in the major cities: 
New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and even Salt Lake City.  




    Ninety percent or more of smallpox cases among unvaccinated persons are of the ordinary type. In this form of the disease, by the second day of the rash the macules become raised papules. This fluid becomes opaque and turbid within 24–48 hours, giving them the appearance of pustules; however, the so-called pustules are filled with tissue debris, not pus.

    Fluid slowly leaks from the pustules, and by the end of the second week the pustules deflate, and start to dry up, forming crusts (or scabs). Scabs have formed over all the lesions, which have started to flake off, leaving depigmented scars.

    Sometimes, the blisters merge into sheets, forming a confluent rash, which begin to detach the outer layers of skin from the underlying flesh. Patients with confluent smallpox often remain ill even after scabs have formed over all the lesions. In one case series, the case-fatality rate in confluent smallpox was 62%.

    Referring to the character of the eruption and the rapidity of its development, modified smallpox occurs mostly in previously vaccinated people. In this form the prodromal illness still occurs but may be less severe than in the ordinary type. There is usually no fever during evolution of the rash. The skin lesions tend to be fewer and evolve more quickly, are more superficial, and may not show the uniform characteristic of more typical smallpox.

    Modified smallpox is rarely, if ever, fatal. This form of variola major is more easily confused with chickenpox.

    In malignant-type smallpox (also called flat smallpox) the lesions remain almost flush with the skin at the time when raised vesicles form in the ordinary type. It is unknown why some people develop this type. Historically, it accounted for 5%–10% of cases, and the majority (72%) were children. Malignant smallpox is accompanied by a severe prodromal phase that lasts 3–4 days, prolonged high fever, and severe symptoms of toxemia. The rash on the tongue and palate is extensive. Skin lesions mature slowly and by the seventh or eighth day they are flat and appear to be buried in the skin. Unlike ordinary-type smallpox, the vesicles contain little fluid, are soft and velvety to the touch, and may contain hemorrhages. Malignant smallpox is nearly always fatal.

    Hemorrhagic smallpox is a severe form that is accompanied by extensive bleeding into the skin, mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal tract. This form develops in approximately 2% of infections and occurred mostly in adults. In hemorrhagic smallpox the skin does not blister, but remains smooth. Instead, bleeding occurs under the skin, making it look charred and black,[20] hence this form of the disease is also known as black pox.

    In the early, or fulminating form, hemorrhaging appears on the second or third day as sub-conjunctival bleeding turns the whites of the eyes deep red. Hemorrhagic smallpox also produces a dusky erythema, petechiae, and hemorrhages in the spleen, kidney, serosa, muscle, and, rarely, the epicardium, liver, testes, ovaries and bladder. Death often occurs suddenly between the fifth and seventh days of illness, when only a few insignificant skin lesions are present. A later form of the disease occurs in patients who survive for 8–10 days. The hemorrhages appear in the early eruptive period, and the rash is flat and does not progress beyond the vesicular stage. Patients in the early stage of disease show a decrease in coagulation factors (e.g. platelets, prothrombin, and globulin) and an increase in circulating antithrombin. Patients in the late stage have significant thrombocytopenia; however, deficiency of coagulation factors is less severe. Some in the late stage also show increased antithrombin. This form of smallpox occurs in anywhere from 3 to 25% of fatal cases depending on the virulence of the smallpox strain. Hemorrhagic smallpox is usually fatal.

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  3. Sarah Lanelle Menet Hoffman's 1979 NDE foretold both the Monkeypox and the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) that's now in Iraq. VHF is the red plague for which the remedy is found on beyond wheat and weeds.
